Monday, April 12, 2010

Inner School Competition Re-Cap

Wow! For anyone that had an opportunity to witness it; what a fantastic day at the Dojo last Sunday. With over 60 entries in four different categories, it was our best turnout in the three years that we have held it.

Though the majority of my years in Martial Arts were competitive years, I have never tried to establish the DOJO as a center for athletes. The concept of becoming a "competitive" school can be a slippery slope if not carefully handled. The reality is that while Martial Art competition can be fun, it isn't for everyone. As a Center for youth, I realize that about 20% of our students have an interest in competition while the rest are very happy in the pursuit of their personal best in Martial Arts.

The Inner-School Tournament is an opportunity for everyone to compete in a friendly environment that enhances more than just their Martial Art Skills. If you were there on Sunday, you would have noticed the amazing personal introductions. We had two of our youngest students (Lil Dragons) take center stage and compete - complete with a full introduction in front of about one hundred people. How incredible was that? Way to go Ethan and Nicky! All of the students sounded confident and controlled. Could you not imagine them as grown adults, speaking to a crowd, leading a team, running a board room, changing the world?!

Some of my favorite moments of the Competition:

  • Ethan Bell helping Nicky Rice with his 8 Positions.
  • Maddy Katz continuing to smile and keeping her composure when I knew she was disappointed she went on to congratulate everyone else who won...a sure sign a great character. We love you Maddy!
  • Jack Madison Nailing Foundation Drill Number One
  • Jack Kelly's Awesome Introduction
  • Zach Brooks shocking everyone with his terrific kata! Who knew?
  • Daniel Pawlowski Sitting at the Judge's Table
  • Daniel P. and Liam M. sparring and me biting my nails the entire time. Intense.
  • Brit U. Hitting Reece W. as soon as Kyoshi said "Begin". LOL - Reece didn't even see it coming.
  • Veronica Mendivil's Crazy, Awesome control of her kicks in the kicking combinations.
  • Isobel Phillips stepping up in sparring and saying, 'Hey, this is my turn to win." :-)
  • Watching the Candidates taking turns with the Gold Belts during their Foundation Drill.
  • Eva's Board Breaking
...And my favorite moment of all, " When I asked Catherine Gibson if she wanted to do her Kata over, she looked at me so sweetly and said, "No, not so much." :-) Catherine, your smile and attitude are just the best. :-)

So many other great moments too. Thank you to everyone who participated and to ALL of the parents for helping make it possible.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1 - 4 - Weekly Update

Welcome to February!

A few notes for the week:

REGISTRATION: We begin our 20% registration tier this week. Please keep in mind that for a family to receive the 20% discount, registration needs to be paid at the DOJO - or postmarked - by February 6th. (Saturday)

EVENTS: No events posted this week. Please keep in mind that PDR is next Saturday, February 13.

PDR: All PDR registrations must be paid no later than Thursday, February 4.

Thank you to our new Specialty Instructor, Randy Barnett. It is awesome to have you on board! Also, a BIG thank you goes out to Dana (Sir) for all of his effort last month. You are amazing!
Everyone have a wonderful week training. See you on the Mat!
Renshi Kelly

Monday, January 25, 2010

February Updates

For me, February is the LONGEST month of the year. I believe that most of us "Midwestern" Folk feel the same way about now...bring on the sunshine and warmth. With the cold, windy days, the month seems to move at a snails pace.

At TKC, we like to pack February with loads of activities to help the students stay focused all month long. This year, we have two major events on our calendar. The first, PDR on February 13th, has been met with a huge response from the students, families, and community. I am looking forward to an amazing Seminar.

Our second activity is specifically for the children. Our 3rd annual "Inner School" tournament will give our students an opportunity to "show off" their skills in a fun, safe environment. The Tournament date was originally scheduled for early February, however, we have moved it to Sunday, February 21 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. (Belt Examinations will still be held at 4:00 PM
for those who qualify)

Who Can Participate?

Any Student 6 - 18 Years.

What Can They Compete In?

We will have 5 divisions this year:

Creative Kicking

What is the Competition Fee?

$15 Per Event / Per Child OR $100 for a family of two or more with unlimited events.

Details Will be posted at the Website and handed out in Class. Registration Deadline is February 11th.